

Welcome to my Blog!!

When we moved to Southern Nevada, specifically Las Vegas, over 15 years ago, I quickly had to adapt to the desert and re-learn a lot of what I knew. Gardening in a hot and dry desert with poor soil can bring forth rather unique challenges. I would like to share my gardening adventures and successes as I try to add green and color to all of this brown. I will also write about my journeys elsewhere and post corresponding images. Hope you find useful information and/or enjoy reading my blog!!


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Souvenir de la Malmaison

Souvenir de la Malmaison Bourbon rose, bred by Jean Beluze. 

The soft pink multi-petaled blooms, embedded in the dark green leaves, buds swirling open, with each bloom appearing slightly different than the last. Beautiful on its own, but the pink plays so well and helps to create visual interest and garden beauty.

Souvenir de la Malmaison (1843)