It is that time again, winter pruning!! Honestly, I do not like this chore, but appreciate Spring blooms that benefit from cleaning up the rose bushes. Roses that were recently purchased as own root bands or one-gallon plants are exempted from this practice, but bare-root roses, and established own root rose are included, however receiving different pruning. Here's a great demonstration video for winter pruning:

Welcome to my Blog!!
When we moved to Southern Nevada, specifically Las Vegas, over 15 years ago, I quickly had to adapt to the desert and re-learn a lot of what I knew. Gardening in a hot and dry desert with poor soil can bring forth rather unique challenges. I would like to share my gardening adventures and successes as I try to add green and color to all of this brown. I will also write about my journeys elsewhere and post corresponding images. Hope you find useful information and/or enjoy reading my blog!!